The Eternal Human Yearning To Be…

I was reading a fabulous article by Parker Palmer this morning and enjoyed this definition of Spirituality:

“Spirituality” is an elusive word with a variety of definitions—some compelling, some wifty, some downright dangerous. The definition I have found most helpful is simply this: spirituality is the eternal human yearning to be connected with something larger than our own egos.

…[this definition] performs a key function of any good definition by giving us a place from which to launch an exploration.

The Possibility of Transparency, Authenticity, Inspiration

A comment I left at this morning… and now I’ll share it with you:

Last night, December 31st, 2008, I was out walking the dog with my friend. The new year turning point was approaching. My friend said to me, wouldn’t it be wonderful if Obama released a short, inspiring expression encouraging people about what is possible in this new year. We dreamed together for a bit about how inspiring it would be for Obama to evoke such optimism and potential at this transition time that is celebrated by so many Americans.

I replied, “Maybe he could say, “I know there are many things that you would like to hear me talk about right now (Gaza being one on my mind), and yet at this moment I would like to invite… (and then inspire us with words for 2009).”

My friend and I then marveled at what a new reality it is that we genuinely believe it is possible that our president would publicly say something that is transparent, authentic and inspiring. How different it is to be excited that my president might speak and to believe that he has the power to influence and inspire people’s attitudes towards creating a more just and sustaining world that works for all.

There is a long way to go and I believe it will require great effort on the parts of many to actualize the change we believe in… and I am so incredibly encouraged by the amount of potential and possibility that is ready to be activated by the inauguration of our new president… and the social responsibility that us citizens can begin actualizing under his leadership.

photo by GNIKRJ


So many humans
of an infinitely different variety
we are all living
we are all living on this planet
we are all living at this time

completely separate bubbles of reality
of experience
of perception

The impact of our actions
harbors resentment and celebration
in the bruises of our pathways

capillaries stretching eternity
carrying our history and opportunity
webbing the circuitry highway
that is here

currents of connection
making contact
slipping into wonderment
in the presence of one anther
with gratitude

this is a reality that knows existence
a social fabric sewn into our magic carpet

photo by Powerhouse Museum

Beautiful and Vibrant

I am beautiful and vibrant
I wonder how to live my beauty simply
I hear god speaking
I see the earth teaching
I want to feel the sand between my toes
I am beautiful and vibrant

I pretend to not feel as deeply as I do
I feel pathways of navigation
I touch into source intelligence
I worry I’m making it all up
I cry for hearts not loved
I am beautiful and vibrant

I understand life is a gift
I say take a pause and experience this moment
I dream of other ways
I try to give, offer, invite and share
I hope to live in community where we all share our gifts
I am beautiful and vibrant

photo by mswebersd

We Are

My first “We Are” poem:

We Are Here Now Together
December 21, 2008

Here now
the moment is ripe
life awaits

we are suffering, we are blossoming
we are waking up, we are falling asleep
we are tormented, we are hopeful
and inspired
we are pleading and searching
we are grieving and hurting
we are lost in a maze of disconnect and desertion

There is wisdom calling us home
There is faith, joy, gracious wonder
wrapped in a moment of least expectant
wrapped in an action beyond pure comfort

We are opportunities
We are responsible for making a difference

We are
compassionate and sometimes trembling hands
open and receptive hearts attuned to grief and suffering, akin to giving and glowing
unbridled intellect and curiosity, committed to cause and inquiry

We are
devoted to the seen and unseen
listening to the mystery
informed by wonder and awe

we are

Solstice to Inauguration

I’m participating in a Woven Essence ritual. Honoring the potency that this time seems to hold, I am committed to doing a specific ritual every day between Winter Solstice (today) and the United State’s Presidential Inauguration (January 20).

Right now I’m up in the North Carolina mountains. Shifting from the freezing cold and brilliant white snow of Seattle, last night I was cradled in the misty bright cloud-haze of Lake Toxaway. Today’s shortest day of the year shines glowing sunrays upon my eyes. Slightly bundled up and deeply embraced by creativity, life’s force, family and this heart’s land, I open space for what me, this time, and life have to share with each other.

At the core of this learning journey, I am dedicated to listening to, embracing and sharing wisdom. In order to do this, I invite myself to release more fully into who I am… to become more intimate with my inner world, listening to the wisdom that emerges from that deep place within. I also invite my inner world to come into deeper alignment with the outer world. May I discover ways of loving, knowing and acting from wisdom, listening, seeing, feeling, receiving, tasting, smelling, experiencing, expressing and embodying.

One practice that I am doing every day is to write at least two poems. One “I am” poem and one “We are” poem. The first poems this morning were a free-flowing expression. There is so much I don’t know and have to discover about who is this “I” that I am. And I don’t know who I’m referring to when I write about “we”… I look forward to seeing what growth, learning and transformation emerge from this practice.

I will share poems as I feel called and any new practices that emerge as well. Should you want to join me in this poetry practice, I have found a couple of websites that offer a variety of different forms for writing “I Am” poems: a template and 8 different types. And if you are doing your own Solstice to Inauguration ritual, please come join us at the Facebook event or leave a comment!