This is a weblog that I, Ashley Cooper, began writing in 2003. In 2019 the site crashed. All of the content was saved, but the formatting lost. Please forgive the appearance! You can find current content at
Dear Markus, may you pass peacefully along in your journey.
Love is a mysterious force that shapes our lives in so many profound and fundamental ways. May this love between Markus and Elizah be forever strong as she and her mother, Anna, take the next steps in their own journey of living. And may we all take time to really nourish and nurture the bonds of connection that exist between us. They are so precious.
The spirits of the civil rights movement–and movements for social justice everywhere–were with Obama on this historic Inauguration Day. Artist John Mavroudis imagines the occasion –one witnessed not in flesh and blood, but in the bonds of justice and peace.
The historical figures that helped make Obama’s inauguration possible. The site includes a key to who all the people are. This is really remarkable… and I’ve got some learning to do about who many of these people are. I’m just a typical white girl with a long way to go.
I’ve been catching up on my online reading tonight… returning to the open tabs that have been patiently waiting for my attention. This last hour I’ve been captivated reading Mark Brady over at The Committed Parent. My mind is spinning with thoughts about synaesthesia, the many different ways that our brains work, the value of teaching children about deeply listening to their bodies and honoring what they hear, “the importance of creative allies – significant people who “get” us in ways that allow us to feel embraced and welcomed in all our weirdness and divergence.” I am deeply moved by the loving story of the death of a dear heart and the impact of taking the time to teach someone to dance, and my mind is so curious about all the different brain functions and conditions like heterotopagnosia.
Mark is a talented writer that marries storytelling, science, education, art and inquiry into very inspiring offerings. Do check him out… and thank you, Mark.
Happy Belated Birthday, Easily Amazed! In November, this webl (blog) turned 5 years old. Yesterday I posted the 555th post. That’s cause to celebrate!!
In the old days when this place of expression and connection was just being birthed, it looked a little like the picture to the left. And then my curiosity about how to personalize blogger reached it’s peek and the new look found it’s way into being. Now, my friends, it’s almost time for phase 3, the next formation of this house of creation.
As we’ve heard, change is on the horizon… it is arriving. I don’t know exactly what this will mean for the next version of easily amazed. I do know that I’m excited to find out! Thank you, beautiful blue and your radiant invitation, for being a cozy place where I could find my voice and share with others.
I feel blessed and thankful to live a life that includes so many opportunities to be inspired. On January 20th, 2009 after President Obama’s Inauguration Ceremony I had the opportunity to spend my day hosting 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders in Open Space.
The idea was birthed in a planning committee with 3 third grade students. They decided the questions that would guide the our time together:
What is something that you think is important in our school or in our world that you would like to discuss?
The planning committee opened the space with a poem and a story. The opening poem by Mila Kopp:
And another student told a story:
Once you get older it’s harder for people to change your mind so you’re not as much of a help to the community when they’re trying to think of something to do or when something’s wrong and they need help and are deciding what to do. For instance, with my grandfather, it’s really hard for people to change his mind because he just thinks one thing is right and if something else is right and someone tells him, because he’s older, it’s a lot harder to change his mind and it might not even happen.
You can read more about the topics they discussed, their notes, and their closing remarks at Educating For Wholeness.
Here are a few of my favorite comments:
STOP Globle Warming (happy voice) in ten years (Deep Voice)
make a complante to the president
Invent vical that runs on trash or sun, rain
Nicely tell others to be nice
Help stop war by traiding reciorses
If you are shy talk
If you are a chatterbox let others have a chance to speak
I agree with (another student) that you don’t need that many people, you only need like 5, you don’t need like 15 or 20 or 50. You don’t need huge numbers like that.
I learned that when everyone pitches in just a little bit, it can make a giant difference.
I discovered how pollution can make the air dirty and hurt people and animals
I discovered a lot of people have ideas too.
I discovered that once you think about it, there is a lot more waste
I learned it can actually be pretty fun to work with other people
Teacher: I learned that you all can have important conversations by yourselves and that you don’t need the adults there. I also learned that you can self-organize what you want to talk about.
I discovered there is a lot of things to change and like President Obama, we should start.
The new avatar that debuted below was created by Kara Brown with KaraBrownLovesArtIf it speaks to you and you think you might want one of your own, do consider contacting Kara! I imagine that there is a whole community of beings patiently waiting for us to invite them to life… other sides of ourselves that are ready for that artistic mirror to reflect our beauty and magic. I’d be delighted to re-unite with this community of beings!!
Perhaps you have an online presence, website, blog, Facebook or Myspace page or Twitter account. Maybe you post to an online forum. Now might be the time to bring your own superstar avatar to life!
I’d like to introduce you to my girl! Hold steady because she is checkin you out! With a keen eye noticing what-is and receptive antennas directly connected to divine frequencies and hidden delights, she’s listening deeply, watching closely and loving fully. Alive, awake and ready to play, her superstar vision is activated and hot, following inspiration and passion, bringing magic into being! And, of course, you can’t resist her beauty, an open-hearted invitation inviting you to release into what’s possible and live life fully… so jump in, let’s go!