He Carried a Vision of Love Alive in the World

Someone incredibly dear to my heart and soul left his body on Wednesday. A spirit buddy. A soul friend. A guide. A mentor. A lover of life. One who sought to “open eyes and entice hearts out of their prison into accepting a simpler, more loving way… I want to hold their hands and say, […]

May we place our hearts with you…

Awake in the darkness of the night… I’m feeling… my heart traveling the terrain of trauma and love erupting fiercely on this globe, erupting fiercely in the hearts of so many dear souls. “In Hebrew, “pay attention” is literally translated as, “place your heart”. Placing our hearts requires effort. It requires us to focus beyond […]

Please Share Your Visions of an Inspiring Future

I believe that another world is possible. I believe that humans have the capacity to be more humane. We are living in a time of profound injustice, where human lives are constantly violated, and hate and violence is being amplified. And yet, I still believe in the goodness in people’s hearts. How do we tap […]

What We Can DO

What can I do? I hear so many people voicing their concern for these times and asking, “What can I do?” Are you one of these tender-hearted people who believes in love, peace, and honoring the good in all humans? Are you afraid and possibly even paralyzed by the violence and hate that you are […]

Looking to Expand Your Network to Not Be So White?

“Because my network is diverse, white people often reach out to me asking me to connect them with people of color, because they want to diversify their organization, program, event, etc. While I am heartened by their desire for inclusivity, I hope to communicate that if they truly are sincere and want more than a […]