Narratives Can Be Altered

From Alvin C Jacobs Jr on the frontlines in Charlotte:

Every single eye witness account is saying that #KeithLamontScott was killed by a white cop but the Charlotte Police are saying that the cop was black.
Every single eye witness account is saying that the cops fired rubber bullets [metal ball bearings with plastic coatings] into a crowd of protestors last night, striking a man in the head and pronouncing him dead… then updating him later to on life support, but the cops are saying that he was shot by another protestor with a gun. #CharlotteProtests #68in22 #ToSpeakNoEvil

Once you’ve had the experience of being at a protest at night and seeing a different thing on the news in the morning, you stop trusting the news. Once you’ve had the experience of seeing news accounts directly contradicted by multiple people you’ve known and trusted, you stop believing. At this point so many of us have watched “experts” on television botch basic, verifiable facts about the places we’ve lived for years. #CharlotteProtests #KeithLamontScott #ReadingWhileBlack #ToSpeakNoEvil

Another way in which segregation and the cultural divide in America shapes perception is when it comes to protestor accounts vs. police accounts. It’s easy to believe the narrative from the police or the media over a random person via social media who was there.
Until that random person is your friend.
#CharlotteProtest #KeithLamontScott #ReadingWhileBlack #ToSpeakNoEvil



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