Unfortunately in the U.S. we are not often taught the brilliance of people of African decent in our schools and text books. Do you know the inventors and scientists who are responsible for micro processing chips, telephones and railway trains, chemotherapy, digital cellular networks, traffic lights and gas masks, programmable remote control, laser eye probe surgery, microphone, handheld computers, fiber optics, and so much more? To truly be educated (and not miseducated) we have to take learning and history into our own hands. If you’re a parent, make sure your children are learning this history.
January 31, 2017
On one hand, we are experiencing a corporate take over. A proposed Cabinet of 15 people has $4.5 billion dollars of financial worth. As Trump said, “I want people that made a fortune!” Perhaps to him, it is a game of hiring and firing people to establish a new order of business where he is the boss. This is different from political transition of power, when people with experience and expertise are appointed to do the complex job of governing a nation.
In the meantime, his closest advisors (a small group, not a large system of checks-and-balances) are helping him lead a fascist regime takeover. A shift of power towards radical authoritarian nationalism. Think Hitler.
STEP ONE for a fascist ruling is to attack the media, discredit it.
Controlling the media allows you to control information. messaging. perceptions. reality.
Steve Bannon is the chief White House strategist and was Trumps campaign chairman. It seems he may be a master at shaping perception. Prior to the White House, he was the Executive Chairman of an online media publication for white nationalists, anti-Semites and racists. He has significant experience igniting the fire in people who are fueled by hate for other people. He can stir their passion with streams of angry ideologies. He knows how to run a propaganda machine, how to control the flow of information that is used to shape perception and reality. And now, as the chief strategist, he is shaping what we believe is real or fake, truth or lies, legal or illegal. To achieve this, the first step is to isolate people from the media. The media must not be trusted as a source of truth, facts, or accurate accounts of what is happening in order to be able to control public perception.
STEP TWO for a Fascist ruling is to silence scientists and government employees.
Scientists must go because critical thinkers are a threat to authoritarian control. The administration quickly silenced the Environmental Protection Agency and other government officials. Yesterday Trump fired the sitting Attorney General because she did not agree with him. Traditionally in the United States of America, we value something called checks and balances. Disagreement of opinions is tolerated as part of the process of determining what is the constitutional rule of law. However, in this corporate, authoritarian take-over that is no longer necessary.
This weekend Trump removed the nation’s top military and intelligence advisers from being regular attendees to the National Security Council. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence are no longer regular attendees of the National Security Council’s Principals Committee, the highest official group that deals with national security matters. Steve Bannon, someone who has no government, intelligence, or high-level military experience was added to the National Security Council. Two senior military positions were downgraded and an online publication editor was put in their place on matters of national security. With his permanent seat at the NSC meetings, Bannon has been elevated above the director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, who was not offered an open invitation.
In addition, last Thursday the majority of the State Department was made to resign. These are career officials who are generally committed to the position and the State Department and who remain in their positions for at least a few months in a transition of power to insure a smooth and safe transition. Their removal now leaves the State Department entirely unstaffed during these critical first weeks when orders like the Muslim ban (which they would normally resist) are coming down.
Meanwhile, on Friday Reince Preibus, the White House Chief of Staff, released a statement for Holocaust Remembrance day (as is custom for the White House to do). In his statement, however, he failed to mention Jews as part of the list of people who are remembered from that horrific time. And then defended the choice to not include them. Friday was also the same day that the refugee ban was put into affect. Both of these actions are a wink to a White Nationalist base (remember the folks at Breitbart, the online publication that Bannon ran) who also claim that the Jewish genocide of the Holocaust was fabricated and are in favor of White Nationalist policies such as the discriminatory executive orders.
This administration is trying to create power by creating chaos. One “shock and awe” event after another. Orders that are ambiguous or ridiculous, causing people to scramble to react and protect the vulnerable. If they can throw the people into a state of chaos, if they can tire us from anxiety and fear, we are easier to control. The hope is that with one atrocity after another, people will become desensitized. We will retreat into our safety or despair bubbles. The masses will stop noticing and stop responding to abuse of power. We cannot let them wear us down. Don’t be surprised that there will be more to come. Take care of yourself. TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER. Don’t hide. Stand up. Live love and compassion with a fierce commitment to peace and justice. Get creative in how you speak out against what is unjust and create new ways for us to govern and care for each other. Find ways to process what you are feeling and experiencing, talk to your friends and neighbors. Build bridges across differences. We need one another. We are all in this together.
Being A Sanctuary
What I learned at Sanctuary: A Partnership Between Immigrant & Faith Communities in Asheville. The call to faith communities was to:
1. Provide sanctuary for the most vulnerable (including those who are undocumented, Muslim, Blacks, LGBTQ, Trans folks)
2. If you can’t provide sanctuary, be the people who are supporting those who are providing sanctuary
3. Listen to the immigrant communities and other communities impacted — ask THEM what they need. Tell others what they tell you they need.
Police Chiefs and Sheriffs in others cities have made public commitments to not have their law officials collect data and do the work of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Buncombe county Sheriff and Asheville Police Department have not been explicit or transparent about what their position on immigrants is. They have not been willing to make a formal statement saying that they support immigrant communities, and have been asked.
Core components of what a Sanctuary is now:
1. Sanctuary is now about shared political fate.
2. Sanctuary is not single-issue.
3. Sanctuary can be created through policy and through community.
4. Sanctuary cannot be based in paternalism or a white savior mentality.
5. Sanctuary is no longer about four walls.
6. Sanctuary will require local organizing to converge nationally.
7. Sanctuary will require clarity, courage and spiritual fortitude.
Money Has Power
MONEY is a huge factor in this fascist state we are quickly shifting into and a powerful component of successful strategies. The majority of the players in power are invested in making money and the majority of the players on the ground cultivating freedom and justice are in need of money. ACTION involves making choices to NOT SPEND MONEY in places that are supporting these unjust policies AND GIVING MONEY to grassroots organizations that are leading the way to a future that works for all. When NYC taxi drivers at JFK went on strike in protest of the ban, Uber lowered its airport ride prices to break the strike. Do you enjoy the ease and convenience of Uber? Would you give it up and stand behind taxi drivers that were making a statement for a greater good? Encourage LYFT’s decision to donate $1 million to ACLU? (Article about Deleting Uber as a boycott)
Here are some suggestions from Linda Sarsour of the Arab-American Association of the US of places to CONTRIBUTE MONEY.
Asheville Youth Voices & Leadership
Our youth deserve dignity and respect as they ARE our leaders. The premier issue of the Word on The Street/ La Voz de Los Jovenes teen magazine just came out. I’ve met some of these youth and they are AMAZING. These are the voices of leadership we need to be listening to NOW. Read. Learn. Share what touches your mind or heart.
This is Asheville.
Our youth deserve dignity and respect and one way we can show that to them is by being real with the conditions they are facing right now, recognizing that some youth do not have access to some opportunities as fairly as others do. We must face how opportunities do or don’t prepare youth to navigate the world. We can shift that narrative that is playing out and create a new reality… This is Asheville.
Footage for the film, Beneath the Veneer, a documentary currently in production about opportunity, success and inequity in America?
Listen to and Follow Young Leaders
Young people want, deserve, and need spaces where it is safe to voice their opinions and where they can talk about the issues that are relevant to their daily lives. This event on MLK day was powerful because it was designed by young people, for young people. The adults collaborating were in service to helping the students create an agenda that allowed them to have the conversations that they thought were most important. CAYLA (City of Asheville Youth Leadership Academy) high school students generated a list of over 20 topics and then narrowed it down to the 7 table discussions that they hosted (safe sex, housing shortage, police brutality, discrimination in school, leadership, dealing with stress, and gender equality/HB2). In the closing circle the power of the event was felt as participants shared that they were feeling educated, empowered, inspired, motivated, hopeful, connected, that their voices mattered, and grateful for the opportunity to talk about things that don’t get talked about in regular conversation. Asheville’s young people have so much wisdom, insight, and clarity about what our community needs. It was an honor to get to learn from them. Let’s keep listening to them and giving them opportunities to lead themselves and us.
Media Articles
Womens March on Washington
Quite an inspiring platform for the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday. It’s been reported that over 200,000 women are planning to attend in Washington and marches are also happening all around the country/world. Read the full document. Understand the complexity of what people are standing up for. Revealing our numbers is just the beginning… then we continue to work together to make these principles a reality. Together we are capable of so much.
Women’s Rights are Human Rights and Human Rights are Women’s Rights.
- Gender Justice is Racial Justice is Economic Justice.
- Women deserve to live full and healthy lives, free of violence against our bodies.
- We believe in accountability and justice for police brutality and ending racial profiling and targeting of communities of color.
- It is our moral imperative to dismantle the gender and racial inequities within the criminal justice system.
- We do not accept any federal, state or local rollbacks, cuts or restrictions on our ability to access quality reproductive healthcare services, birth control, HIV/AIDS care and prevention, or medically accurate sexuality education.
- We must have the power to control our bodies and be free from gender norms, expectations and stereotypes.
- We firmly declare that LGBTQIA Rights are Human Rights and that it is our obligation to uplift, expand and protect the rights of our gay, lesbian, bi, queer, trans or gender non-conforming brothers, sisters and siblings.
- We believe in an economy powered by transparency, accountability, security and equity. We believe that creating workforce opportunities that reduce discrimination against women and mothers allow economies to thrive.
- We believe in equal pay for equal work and the right of all women to be paid equitably
- We recognize that women of color carry the heaviest burden in the global and domestic economic landscape, particularly in the care economy. We further affirm that all care work–caring for the elderly, caring for the chronically ill, caring for children and supporting independence for people with disabilities–is work, and that the burden of care falls disproportionately on the shoulders of women, particularly women of color. We stand for the rights, dignity, and fair treatment of all unpaid and paid caregivers.
- We believe that all workers – including domestic and farm workers – must have the right to organize and fight for a living minimum wage, and that unions and other labor associations are critical to a healthy and thriving economy for all.
- We believe Civil Rights are our birthright. Our Constitutional government establishes a framework to provide and expand rights and freedoms–not restrict them. To this end, we must protect and restore all the Constitutionally-mandated rights to all our citizens, including voting rights, freedom to worship without fear of intimidation or harassment, freedom of speech, and protections for all citizens regardless of race, gender, age or disability.
- We believe it is time for an all-inclusive Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
- We believe in immigrant and refugee rights regardless of status or country of origin. It is our moral duty to keep families together and empower all aspiring Americans to fully participate in, and contribute to, our economy and society. We reject mass deportation, family detention, violations of due process and violence against queer and trans migrants
- We believe that every person and every community in our nation has the right to clean water, clean air, and access to and enjoyment of public lands.