I’d like to introduce you to my girl! Hold steady because she is checkin you out! With a keen eye noticing what-is and receptive antennas directly connected to divine frequencies and hidden delights, she’s listening deeply, watching closely and loving fully. Alive, awake and ready to play, her superstar vision is activated and hot, following […]

Solstice to Inauguration

I’m participating in a Woven Essence ritual. Honoring the potency that this time seems to hold, I am committed to doing a specific ritual every day between Winter Solstice (today) and the United State’s Presidential Inauguration (January 20). Right now I’m up in the North Carolina mountains. Shifting from the freezing cold and brilliant white […]

Celebrating Mr. Clean, Celebrating Life’s Force

In case you’ve been following the story of my dad’s health, here’s the exciting update. He was photographed on Tuesday (cat scan). Technology peered into his body to articulate the progress of his recovery. The image that came back invites deep celebration as he is clean with no signs of cancer in the picture!! Yippee!!! […]