Why are White Folks so Resistant?

“Yeah! I had those thoughts too and you know what? It didn’t kill me to let go of them. And it wont kill you either. You won’t suddenly lose all the comforts of your life when you acknowledge that, other people, through no fault of their own, do not have access to the same privileges. Your children can still have full and happy lives without the unearned advantages of Whiteness…Yeah it’s UNCOMFORTABLE to have to think about this all the time but guess what, POC {People of Color} don’t have a choice. The least you can do is sit in DISCOMFORT. That will not kill you. Racism DOES kill POC.” Racism is a problem created by White people for the benefit of White people and White people are stepping up to address it and need to keep on stepping up because seriously, POC, especially Black people, have enough on their hands just learning how to find peace and safety in daily living than to be responsible for waking White people up too.” ~A.R. Alonzo

White folks in leadership positions or those with enough financial security (not necessarily wealthy, but with enough to cover your bills, enjoy some pleasurable extras, and perhaps even save) — why are we so resistant to making changes in our own lives to make the world safer for others? Why do we get in the way of sharing the privileges we have? Why are we so afraid of being uncomfortable? Why are we so stiff in our imagination that we can’t imagine and act to influence both a peaceful, safe, joy-filled life for ourselves, our families, AND folks of color, children of color, and people who are living in poverty as well?

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