Introverts Response to Party Invitations


Thank you for inviting me to your holiday/birthday/going-away/celebration party. I want to come and celebrate how fabulous you and/or your work is. I want to get to know your people and expand my own circle of relations. I’m really grateful that you invited me. And… as an ever-increasing-introvert, I might not make it. The journey to get to your party, the anticipation of what it will be like when I arrive and have to navigate moving though humans, making small talk, and finding my place and way in a sea of human activity… well, there’s a high likelihood that the hermit in me will say, “Instead, let’s stay home. Put on some music and let’s find something fun to do here instead. You’ve had enough people in your life for today. Keep it simple. Send love and gratitude to all those good people at the party and have your own party here.” I’ll listen to her, and I’ll also notice the part of me that is disappointed to miss your party. So, thank you for your understanding if I don’t show up, if I leave early or if I play with your kids instead of hanging with the adults. I’m giving it what I’ve got! And next time there’s a small group getting together, those invitations are easier for me to say yes to. 

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