Today’s Discoveries

Easily amazed… and frequently awed.

On a walk through the park today I got to watch two slugs eat. I’d never seen a slug eat. So slowly does the flower bud move into it’s little body, steadily disappearing into the mystery. Watching them, I found myself thinking about a recent post by Amy over at Beauty Dialogues. She speaks about the Language of the Senses. I was awed by these beings, their shape, antennas, the ways they move, the texture of their skin, their means of nourishing self. I wondered how I would ever describe with words the quality of engagement my senses were experiencing. You just read my attempt!

As my walk continued down to the Puget Sound, I stumbled upon a crew of parasurfers. I guess I’ve never watched parasurfers before because the first time I saw one take air and fly up, hovering above the water, I let out a screech of excitement. That must be so exhilarating to feel the force of the wind sweep you up, surrendering to its power! And the ways in which they flew/glided across the water… riding the wind and wave’s currents.

And with these experiences I found myself thinking about this morning’s post… slowing down… feeling the wind. This evening I was reading an article by Thomas Hurley that I imagine I’ll write more about as it is moving me DEEPLY. I highly recommend it. The following quote again made me think of this morning’s prayer.

Illuminating truth reflects the soul’s hunger to know its true nature – to understand what is ever more deeply and to have that knowing be the ground for life and work…We relax the grip that constrains awareness and invite all the voices in, especially the inner voices that too often remain silent. We attend to clues about what is, articulating what we know and acknowledging truths hidden or at the edges of awareness.

Photo Sources: Slug Parasurfer

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