some blog somewhere out there linked me to these incredible pictures, A Closer Look: Secretory Structures of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, found at herbalgram.org. this particular picture is Clary sage (Salvia sclarea L., Lamiaceae) showing stalked and sessile secretory glands on the calyx trichomes (Cryo-SEM, magnified 752 times actual size).
when you go to the link, be sure to check out the larger image of the peppermint.
A couple of my friends/classmates are clary sage junkies. I can’t help wondering if there’s something sex linked about it, because most girls I know are absolutely enthralled by it and have a distinct physical reaction to the smell, but most guys don’t find anything particularly special about it. Maybe it’s just related to women having better sense of smell…
If I were a cologne wearing sorta guy, I’d have to wear clary sage.
Dave | 06.16.04 – 12:38 pm | #
so interesting… i’m not familiar with clary sage, sounds like i need to become. maybe too much information, but i’m totally enthralled by this picture and think that if i were playing in a reality that looked like that, i’d be sexually aroused in the ut-most playfull way!!
ashley | Email | Homepage | 06.16.04 – 12:54 pm | #
BTW, gorgeous pictures.
Dave | 06.16.04 – 12:54 pm | #
Ya know… I can’t say for certain that it’s sexual arousal, but it’s definitely some sort of arousal. I forwarded the link on to two of my friends, and hopefully they’ll give have more to say.
At one party, folks got a little rambunctious with the clary sage, and we wound up with clary sage everywhere, including all down the front of my pants.
If you have Trader Joe’s down in TX, they sell a very nice and very effective clary sage household cleaner.
It does look like an absolutely joyous place to romp about. Did you see there was a link to a larger version of the picture?
Dave | 06.16.04 – 1:02 pm | #
what a fun reality you’ve imagined there ashley! i’ve always experienced the scent as having very potent clearing and uplifting properties. i’ve also been told that it has natural hormones in it. my bottle says ‘induces feelings of well-being’. all good!
penny | Email | 06.17.04 – 11:08 am | #
this photo and the other ones on the link you included are breathtaking and make me a little dizzy–imagine spending your days in that world as a microphotographer!
about clary sage, dr kurt schnaubelt says of the essential old, “newcomers to aromatherapy often react to this with a light euphoria and giddiness”.
Christy Lee-Engel | Homepage | 06.17.04 – 4:04 pm | #
you can even see it in the picture… light euporia and giddiness. it’s popping out all over the place
ashley | Email | Homepage | 06.18.04 – 2:48 am | #