bird flu and you

Fred at Fragments From Floyd has been writing about the bird flu.

I clearly remember standing at the podium in a biology classroom in 1981 telling my biology class about a new and disturbing viral disease that attacked the immune system. In some populations it was highly infectious and there were no known cures present or forseen. I told those students I had a bad feeling about this newly-described disease, thought previously to be limited to African Green Monkeys. Six months later, the evening news had given it a name: Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome–AIDS. Thousands might die, they said.

This morning I had a terrible sense of deja vu. I pulled up a web page to show my class via the overhead projector. “This looks like a biological problem with the terrible potential of AIDS, but could spread much more quickly” I told them. Then we used this to talk about antivirals, antibiotics and prevention, epidemiology and population issues related to modern health concerns–like this one….

if it’s not common now, human to human infection could be widespread soon: unfortunately this viral variant readily picks up genes from other viruses. Once a human or other animal is infected with both viruses (H5N1 and a flu type that already infects from human to human) the possibility of recombinant forms exists. Indeed, the experts are predicting that it is only a matter of time before this happens–a case of when, not if.

I see the potential mortality figure of 100 million deaths world-wide more frequently this week and coming from increasingly credible sources like the World Health Organization. Others feel WHO’s figures are far too conservative and have projected up to a billion infections. Let’s hope they are way wrong.

i really appreciate the manner in which fred explains this issue and clearly shows his perspective and degree of concern. another post shares some of Fox News’ report and a suspected case in France.

i always wonder what to do with information like this. where to store it in my being.

recently i explored my own personal medicine wheel. I reflected on the meaning of and my own personal Purpose, Leadership, Vision, Community, and Management. Within my purpose I wrote:

I offer encouragement, nourishment, and support while holding space for, acknowledging, and honoring what is. Additionally, my purpose is to connect with innocence, purity, truth, trust, and authenticity, always learning from reflections around me.

so in this moment curiosity and concern about the bird flu is my reflection. accepting what is means reading this report with open attention. Connecting with innocence is accepting the simplicity of and truthful evololution of how this lethal virus can spread through humanity. connecting with purity and again with truth is not being injected with fear. hearing an alarming piece of information and allowing the concern to authentically arise within me does not mean that i have to be captured with fear. or, in regards to the recent election, overcome with despair and anger (notice i said overcome — which to me is different from feeling dispair and anger). i feel like, to be authentic, i must remain connected to my core, to my purpose and my vision, accepting the realities of this world… all of the hardships and trauma and misfortune and disasters and terrorism and torture and genocide and murder; and i continue to offer encouragement, and nourishment and support.

another quote from my new favorite book, Chamalu: The Shamanic Way of the Heart : Traditional Teachings from the Andes

The Wanderer needs to know how to live in all realities, with the same fullness, coherence, and love. Then waves of peace and oceans of harmony will flow from within him… When everything is going well, there is no merit in being well — any idiot can manage that. It is a question of being at peace during the storms, the adversities, in the worst circumstances… [Happiness] is our natural state of being, happiness flows spontaneously when we stop complicating things, when we see everything as a challenge, as a teaching, as an opportunity to keep growing.

i don’t think that i would use the word happy, though i’m not sure what word would work better. i know that there are many times (especially lately) that i feel an array of deep emotions that i would definitely not label as happy. and yet, i am so utterly content and accepting of the challenges, teachings, and opportunities that present themselves to me via my emotional state.

i’m kind of rambling…

i guess my point is how important it is for us to maintain our connection to our core, seeing, appreciating, and loving Beauty while honoring, acknowledging, and accepting the realities of life. sometimes the external world gives us plenty of stimuli, inviting us into fear and hopelessness and despair. it is our challenge, as people living in truth and acting from the heart to stay connected to our Radiant Selves and shine in fullness, coherence, and love AND stay connected to the realities of war and violence and injustice and infections and (the list goes on), taking action in the areas where our heart leads us. (i seem to be also speaking to michael’s post on Spiritual Passivity)

well, i’ve just jumped around and hit a lot of different topics. i’d love to hear some other perspectives on any of these.

photo source

i decided to follow corrigan’s lead and share some searches that lead folks to easily amazed. my list isn’t quite as eclectic as his… but it’s entertaining none the less!

  • Toys Tubers and zots
  • a child amazed
  • how to receive a compliment
  • How to determine if you have a good rap voice
  • camouflage, lesson, plans, gestalt
  • pie throwing celebration
  • petrol car verses diesel car
  • kumbayah Gullah
  • marianne mandela fearless
  • divine communion
  • Ashley Cooper in Knee High Boots
  • being humble

celebrating a cycle

pull out your party hats, your drums and flutes and whistles… summon up the spirit of celebration and join me in wishing easily amazed a happy 1st birthday. (insert joyous sounds and laughter here!)

i adore the life that easily amazed has grown into in its first year of sharing and inviting. the exploring, celebrating, honoring, and uncovering that has unfolded here is most definitely worth appreciating. and i am humbled by the amorphous, mysterious presence that this space holds… taking its time and defining its shine!

the biggest gift that easily amazed has given me is all of you. the evolution and pulse of this site is 100% a result of the commenting generosity of those who read and participate, engaging me and one another, linking together into the amazing network of connections that we are. wether your voice appears in words or you read without commenting, your presence is felt and appreciated.

the feeling your own story thread continues to thrive at integral naked. a recent contribution of jacqui’s echos, to me, a core component of how being connected to all of you through easily amazed (and your personal webbles and blogs) has encouraged an exponentially greater amount of Love within me:

If I see the beauty in someone, and I tell them that, and they tell me how much that meant to them to be seen in that way, I feel more love, more joy. I also see them as even more beautiful. If they see beauty in me, and tell me, I see them as being even more beautiful, and I feel more love and beauty in myself. This is a real, biological happening in me. It happens in my body, in my heart/soul whole being. It is as if Love plus Love equals an exponentially greater amount of love. But that love has to be spoken, shared, announced, proclaimed, celebrated or it doesn’t work.

thank you easily amazed for inviting us to speak, share, announce, proclaim and celebrate… it’s working!!


happy 1 birthday, easily amazed!

i sing you a song, light you a candle, and watch
in delight your joyous face while you’re eating that birthday cake!

happy birthday, all you easily amazed!

GravatarHappy Birthday from Ghana, easily amazed! lots of love, ted

Gravatarthis is a sweet chance to pause
to look back to last november, to celebrate
a year of incescribable inner growth, to reflect
on how easily amazed has been like a little
laughing river right outside my back door,
beckoning me barefoot into the forest
on the scent of the fabulous pathways
of postconventional love;

what an easy, amazing crossroads – it’s in these
comment boxes that i met christy, and thomas,
and brandy, and leela, and got to hang out with old friends like chris corrigan and jeff aitken and to smile and thrill at the words of so many others…

i thank you for the inspiration to start my poetry blog metaphorest walk, and for all the other sparkling ways that you invite us to open up and spin our love and our daily-freshly-integrated selves out onto the shining waves of the awakening world…

happy birthday easily amazed! with love,

Gravatarwow! a happy birthday toast (definitely with something sparkly, effervescent, fragrant, and intoxicating!) to easily amazed, its wonderful, colorful, celebratory space, and to all of the easily amazed souls who have been happily drawn in by its radiance.

and ashley, that reminds me that it’s been a little more than a year since PoP, when I first got to meet you, walking on the drizzly forest path from our dorm to thomas berry hall–what a gift it has been for our worlds to have spilled into each other since then!

lots of love,

GravatarMy dear friend. Of course it has been a year you have been sharing your thinking and inspiration with us. Your voice has been a lovely addition to the chorus that fills my eyes and ears.

I am so glad to know you, and to have been able to deepen that knowing over the past year, online and in person.

May your path take you to many more years of sharing your easy amazement with everything that touches you.

Much love…c


Happy (belated) birthday.

Oh, Ash. You’ve given me so much to be thankful for. You have a rare ability to make every post a reminder of the importance of thanks-giving.

And don’t pass off too much credit to your blog alone. You are, after all, the one who nurtured it. You’re the one who breathes life. These pages are an extension of your own beautiful nature. So happy birthday, yourself, and thank you (thank you!) again.

dear One

Do tell me how you are doing, dear Ashley.

swimming inside of the many parts of myself, i look for dear Ashley. i felt her melt at this request of another wanting to genuinely know how she is doing. another’s heart reaching through the computer and offering presence and acceptance for exactly how i am doing. i felt such freedom in this request. that the asker will see me fully in whatever form i share with her. she’ll love me fully no mater how i’m doing.

and now i’ve found dear Ashley. embodying her, i am sensitive and vulnerable. i wear my heart as my skin. there is no outer layer of protection. the raw fierceness of love lines my being and i am totally exposed to the world and all of its elements. my surface of love has a powerful magnetic quality to it. it longs to connect with the love in others. it’s unyielding magnetism is attracted to the purity and innocence of love as expressed in others and quickly joins with that love. regardless of how Ashley and Other are interacting (having coffee, talking on the telephone, writing an email, gazing into each other’s eyes) the Love within us is embracing, dancing, making more love. that love inside of us leaps to greet an old and dear friend and together they celebrate and rejoice. i love this side of me, of dear Ashley!

right now, i’m feeling vulnerable, anxious, and ecstatic. my heart is wide open and i am getting ready to walk into a world in which my heart has a tendency to close down. i am walking into the territory of the unknown. i’m sure you know that place. i’m sure you’ve experienced how it haunts and teases us with the uncertainty of its mysteries. as i approach those uncertainties my skin starts to scream out for attention, forcing my heart back inside the borders. i then end up isolating myself from the radiance of my heart, my love, my dear one. i fool myself into thinking that i have to retreat, that i am protecting myself, protecting dear Ashley. but in truth, it is just a habit. dear Ashley has learned how to protect herself and no longer needs the habit of retreating. i am able to stay wide open. i am able to embrace the love that fills my way. i am dexterous in my ability to swerve beyond, making my way through pain, shame, guilt, doubt, and disappointment.

i am guided by love, always open to growth and learning. i am becoming whole. so to answer your question, dear Mary, i am staying present with each moment, riding and noticing the wave of emotions that travel through me as i get ready to fly to north carolina and georgia for a most festive celebration of this season of thanks-giving. the first half of my trip is to walk the soil that knows my soul in the mountains of north carolina. i’ve been dreaming of my move back home for the last two years and in one month it will be my reality. thus… i’ve also been dreaming the logistics of jobs, house, community, etc. i frequently remind myself of this saying:

Más que planear, tenga que confiar.

More than to plan, you have to trust.

Trusting and believing and dreaming require more time, energy, and attention than planning, which is different from how our accustomed organizations (and internally shaped work patterns) operate. as much time as we put into planning we have to put MORE than that into trusting. into dreaming. into believing in that which we dream. i practice this. and now… as i’m at the cusp of actualizing, i feel the nervousness, anxiousness, fear of disappointment…(i’ll play the what-if game) what if i can’t bring my dreams into reality. what if all that i was believing in isn’t possible. what if i’m not as capable and qualified as i had convinced myself. what if i don’t have these gifts to offer. what if i was fooling myself. what if i’ve been dreaming in something that i can’t make happen. what if i was wrong. what if…. it feels so good to get those out!

now, with a huge grin on my face, and tremendous amounts of joy bubbling up through me, i gently grab dear Ashley’s hand, hold it warmly in the palm of my own, gaze sweetly in her eyes and share that radiant smile that we both know so well. and off into the world i walk. open, vulnerable, trusting, and ecstatic.

this is going to be fun!!!


hey ashley,

the heart-skin image is so powerful, and the sense of journeying forth after a time of growth, incubation, preparation, connected experimentation shines with such beauty and strength and vulnerability…and i think how when we journey forth we aren’t just led to the places that fit with ease, but also to the ones that require all our stretches, all our moves, the deepest water we have. go well, dear one. blessed am i to be a part of the receiving side of your journey…


dexterous in my ability to swerve beyond

chk chk

swerve the curve, dear goddess of the good,
toucher of tender truth.

we love you and you and again you we love.


Gravatardear Ashley! goddess of the good, indeed!

wearing your heart as your skin you turn the ordinary boundary interfaces inside-out, not only magnetically attracted to love but magnetically, gently gravitationally, drawing other hearts out to play at the skin level too, showing that it can be safe, and free, and fun, to be exposed, to be vulnerable, to be affect-able

love to you,

easily amazed?

i could use some help. as you may have noticed, easily amazed as we know it here has been out surfing the web, looking for parents. in this search, was born. but what that website will be has yet to be determined. this is where i would love your help. in this moment, i’m simply playing with the words easily and amazed. chris corrigan first introduced me to the weblog world by saying:

“easily amazed”, which should describe her readers as much as herself…

that’s you (and me) that he’s talking about. so since you’re here, why not help me out! i’d love to hear some personal definitions of the term “easily amazed.” remember there’s no right answer… just different perspectives. i’ll start.

easily – without effort; spontaneously.

amazed – sparked by wonder and awe

easily amazed – spontaneously seized by wonder, sparked full with awe. effortlessly liberated.

being a teacher

WELCOME, Christy, to the wonderful world of webbles (thomas’ term for weblogs),
life cultivating life is an inspiriting new friend in the neighborhood:

our face, our presence, is so precious… seeing & acknowledging one another is such a deep true part of love and friendship and community. …

what I am particularly learning about teaching is the way it is a powerful vehicle for making space to venture deeply into what matters most to us about being alive–relevant to any course topic, whether it’s herbal formulation, practice management, or physiology from a systems perspective.

which seems deeply related to jeff’s quote of rabbi shefa gold:

the laws of empowerment — how to see and call forth the qualities of leadership in others, and how to share in the joy and the burden of being human. If you’re sitting alone with the burden of Truth, it will weigh you down. And if you’re serving people from morning till night, you cannot become a proper vessel for Revelation.


thank you for the warm welcome, invitation, evocation, dear ashley-heart, and for all of the luminous weaving you do. i have an image of you (one of many!) as a kind of tinkerbell, zooming around inner and outer and every space, connecting and illuminating with your whole body and soul, sparking, layering, effervescing, and occasionally throwing it all up in the air with both hands, just to see how it will sprinkle down!

lots of love,

p.s. “webbles”–i love that! thanks, thomas!

tee hee!!!!

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sweet reality

blissfully riding this trail of sweet love and intimacy

breathlessly dreaming a reality of authenticity

playful and potent, a radiant fire of pure potential

suspended in presence

guided by wholeness

dedicated to respect

creativity unfolds spontaneously

circling without effort

the grounded luminosity

embracing, nourishing, supporting

granting goodness to god’s graceful glow

full and flourishing, following fantasy’s flow

gathering gratitude

inciting inspiration





thank you for accepting love

thank you for receiving

thank you for expressing joy

thank you for just being

golden waves of wonder

winding through eternity

electric lines of clarity

threading bonds of unity

blessed is this sacred life –

that spreads its wings

bears its soul

opening heart

in humility