The Practice of Play

An earlier post on the practice of play elicited this comment from Maria
Oh wonderful play! Whom better to re-educate ourselves than our own children. Just yesterday Ashley, myself, Jared and Zoe did just what you said and laughed soooo hard that our tummy’s hurt. The situation arose when Ii was sitting on floor with Zoe coloring and she accidentally marked my arm with the marker. She apologized and on impulse I put a dot on her nose and she giggled. The incident caught Jared’s attention, he sat by us and drew on his nose. Oh my! Then the fun began as we all started to color our faces with all different colors — red,green, black, brown and yellow. Looking at each other just sent us roaring with laughter. My husband turned to see what all the laughter was about and just shook his head and told us that we were silly, but I just didn’t care as that feeling of laughing sooo much was sooo worth it. I had not laughed like that in a while! Then we all got up and looked in the mirror and just fell about the place in fits of laughter. Let our kids take us on these wonderful experiences. Let them take you by the hand and allow them to show you the countless possibilities of play!
Thank you Zoe and Jared for reminding me how to play! love mom!
And yesterday I received these treasured pictures in the mail. As the note says: “Be very careful when your kids say ‘Mom, Will you color with me?’. You may be in for a fun time.”
What inspirations you three are. Thank you.
We are the Ones
You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell people that THIS is the hour.
And there are things to be considered …It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader …The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.
~The Elders / Oraibi, Arizona / Hopi Nation
Via jack/zen
Whatever is stopping you from speaking your truth, please face it.
It is time to speak your truth.
Whomever you feel pulled to be around and connect with, please connect with them.
Create your community.
The voice you are looking to follow, the one who needs your attention, the one that will lead you in the right direction is your own True Voice.
Please listen.
Joy and Beauty that Moves Us Towards Life
Jan awakens space with his words:
The sad/joyful heart sounds familiar… we all experience it when a moment of unsuspected beauty catches us off guard: the emotions merge and take us to that place where the present moment is so overwhelmingly joyful/beautyful you just have to cry. You feel the deep sadness of beauty in flux, and realize the fabric of existence is a mystery. And that ultimately you are that mystery.
Thomas awakens space with his performances, expressions of the Luminous Edge, “open windows into fields of wonder and awe.”
An audience member writes:
I just wanted to write and tell you how profoundly your show affected me – it was so beautiful and just filled me with inspiration and happiness. I brought my girlfriend with me to the show (we are both professional painters) and she also was overwhelmed and filled to the brim with inspiration.Your inclusion of the audience combined with your incredible openess was so invigorating. We felt so privledged to be included and that inclusion is such a part of making us all artists – breaking that potential barrier that stops people from participating and finding the joy of expression within themselves.
Thank you to each of you who offers forward your joy of expression, inviting us deeper into the mysterious fabric of existence.
(P.S. If you happen to be in the area of Nelson, British Columbia, there’s a 7:00 show you won’t want to miss: “a playful, contemplative performance and improvisational ritual expressing our connection to the natural flow of order in this world.”)
Innocence Awakening and Biodiesel School Buses
Heather has an inspiring blog, Innocence Awakening.
It is amazing how we can make such a difference in this world by changing small areas of our everyday life.
And yet she doesn’t just focus on the small areas:
I spent a lot of time today doing research on the web and finally found one answer to the many questions I have about the gas issue in our country. I have always noticed when my daughter gets picked up by the school bus in front of our home that it has diesel written on the side. I found a website that campaigns for biodiesel school buses called I called the head of transportation today and asked if they would consider it because it’s simply a change in fuel. Maybe there is a tax credit out there for a program like this. Or maybe one should be started. Anyway, I am going to keep calling until they let me speak to them and give them information on the alternative.
And then an update later in the day:
The head of Clarkston Community School transportation just called me and said he is interested in the useof biodiesell for our buses. He said they are Thompson and manufactured by Daimler Chrysler and since we lease every three years and are due next year for new buses, he thinks its viable to revisit the issue. Now I just need to gather more data for him. If anyone has any info on this let me know.
You go girl!!
Happy Halloween
Good news about Alternative Energy Efforts
Here’s a recent press release from my friend Jake Stewart:
Biodiesel Industries, Michigan’s NextEnergy and Daimler Chrysler
Announce Innovative Research Agreement,
Biodiesel Production Facility to be Built in DetroitInnovative project brings biodiesel research and development to the Motor City
Detroit, MI – On September 29th officials from Biodiesel Industries Inc. and NextEnergy announced a ground-breaking Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) which will target biodiesel development and technical innovation. “This is a pioneering project. It brings together a diverse group of major industry players, such as Daimler Chrysler, for the common goal of biodiesel advancement and implementation. We’re delighted to be part of the core group involved in this innovative venture”, said Russell Teall, President and Founder of Biodiesel Industries, Inc.Beyond cutting edge research, the joint work will focus on the development and refinement of industry standards for the swiftly-growing biodiesel industry. The NextEnergy project involves key industry partners, including auto makers, the Department of Defense and several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who have an interest in biofuels.
NextEnergy is a non-profit corporation founded to advance the Alternative Energy Technology (AET) industry in Michigan. Major technology thrusts include portable power generation, renewable fuels and hydrogen production for use within commercial and military applications.
“Biodiesel Industries has many years of advanced development and production experience in the otherwise young biodiesel industry. Given the tremendous national market demand for their product, we are delighted that Biodiesel Industries has chosen Detroit for their next biodiesel production facility” said James Croce, Chief Executive Officer of NextEnergy Center.
Research and development will also extend into the development of agricultural resources utilizing property owned by Daimler Chrysler. The use of new and innovative biodiesel feedstocks will be part of this research. “As biodiesel demand increases there will be a need for new resources that can be grown in America by American farmers,” according to Jake Stewart, Biodiesel Industries Corporate Development Manager. “Daimler Chrysler has led the way in the use of biodiesel in diesel vehicles by being the first automotive manufacturer to deliver their vehicles to their customers with a blend of biodiesel as the original fuel. Soon it will be possible to have that biodiesel made in Michigan from resources grown here.”
P.S. I am adding this spelling ‘Bio Disel’ to this post because I receive a lot of hits to this site from people that are searching this spelling of biodiesel.