Intentional Space

These days since the Evolutionary Salon have been a slow, steady spiral spinning inward upon its learnings, gathering nuggets of inspiration and discovery and integrating them into the rapidly buzzing outward flow of the spiral growing along the edge.

I touch ground for moments to write. I offer here pieces as they come, some of my reflections for this great gathering.

There were many provocative questions and visionary dreams that inspired participants to gather for this event. Sitting in the forefront of my reflection is the interplay between what I perceive as two intentions for this gathering (These were not spoken intentions, simply my perspective languaged in words that have meaning for me):

  1. Emerging as a collective that consciously births itself for the greatest good.
  2. Collaborating with others to activate change for the greatest good.

I felt a great deal of tension arising in the space between these two related, yet different intentions. This dynamic returns me to a prevalent question in my own life — the play between Doing and Being.

Our first morning together, we wove through conversation, inquiry, exploration, and discovery in an Evolutionary Café. At the end of this process we were asked to write down a question that is burning for us. My Question: “Who are we and who could we be?” I felt the vibrant edge of possibility in the gathering of this time and space, the people present, the land containing us, the deep listening and trust receptive upon the edges of our togetherness. However, as I sunk into conversation and heard the wishes, desires, and intentions of others, I was left confused as to our collective identity. I felt like in order for us to Do, we had to deepen and become more aware of our Being, both individually and collectively. For myself and from my perspective, the following days were an active process of deepening into conscious, intentional Being in service to the whole (the whole being my Self, the group, the universe, etc.). It was a profound experience for me to feel the intentionality of the space expand. It is a divine gift to travel with others through intentional space.

Bubbles of Love

Hearts pause and gather
in bubbles of love that float
in the winter air for sweet
extended moments

With the energy of new beginnings
we spin our open ready hearts out
with careful attention into the world

A swooshing feeling of clouds clearing
and the inner sky opening wide and brilliant

Goodness softening heart with being’s breath
reaching into this vast unknowable energy
reforming presence as an essential shaping
of a flowing know guiding us home

The radiance of our dance is
by the touch of our love
it spins us open through life’s precious moment

loving love’s love

Artwork by Kara Brown, Poetry by Chris Weaver,
Christy Lee-Engel, Thomas Arthur and Ashley Cooper