You are Worthy of the Most Wonderful People

“What kind of people do you need in your life? What kinds of people do you want to attract?

Know that it is possible to attract people who will complement and compliment you, if you’re open to receiving them in your life. Know that you’re worthy of the most wonderful people and you will attract them. Settle for nothing less; expect at least that.”

Thank you j a c k / z e n.

Reminds me of some older posts on compliments and complementing with others.

I’m in Love!

Two new artists have come into my awareness.
Andy at Older, but no wiser opened my eyes to Andrea Pratt.

Andrea has a webl, colouring outside the lines, has just launched a new site, small art, a marketplace for small and affordable works of art, and has a gallery.

Andrea then opened my eyes to Barbara Roden.

Barbara has a webl, Day and Night Painter,
and you can see other amazing pictures by visiting here.

Have fun!! And a deep thank you to these two women for sharing such beauty with the world.

The Marketplace

I spoke to my friend and web wizard, Michael DuBois, the other day. Michael is involved in the online life of many evolutionary initiatives including his own Integral Visioning and others like Shift in Action, Integral Naked Forum, METTA Center for Nonviolence Education, Easily Amazed and more. He was explaining to me his perception of an interesting phenomena in the technical world. He’s noticed that often geeks will ride in on a wave of cutting edge social software. They will get the systems installed and then kind of disappear, riding the wave out just as they rode it in. He’s found himself in situations where he is being hired to help nurture the current online structure, integrating various threads that are present, possibly exploring the cutting edge of online integration.

Like many of us, this work is a labor of love for him. He is involved in projects that he sees as adding value and resources to the world, supporting the evolution of consciousness and providing tools to assist collective intelligence.

He shared some of what he is observing in the online world; what social, theoretical, and spiritual sites are flourishing, are being recognized by the populace, are being recognized by the thinkers, etc. I was inspired and moved by his awareness and the ways in which he is using his talents and learning from what is already being done.

I felt called to ask: “What do you need to be supported?”

Taken back, he said…. “Well, business advice. I started doing this work as a hobby, volunteering my services. My skills have grown so much and as more and more people are contacting me it is becoming more of an official business. It’s been so long since I started up a new business and this is different because it’s not about a product, but a service where a lot of the activity takes place online. I need some business consulting and some help with accounting.”

Hearing this, my mind and heart started spinning: What if it were that simple… What if we express our needs, articulating the simplest, most elegant offering that would further our ability to share more fully our gifts with the world, and then as a community we find ways to support one another, encouraging each of us to show up fully, offering our gifts, receiving and flourishing. What if…..

And so I wonder… What do you need? What do you have to offer? (and do you know anyone who is interested in doing some business consulting with a friend of mine?) In my dream world every community has a marketplace where we can share offerings and requests with one another.

Icons to use for Visual Thinking

Thanks to Nancy at Full Circle Online Interaction Blog for directing my attention to Michael Erikson’s generous offering of

87 icons that I’ve released to the public domain to aid Graphic Facilitators, Lean System Process map makers and Visual Language practitioners. Use Freely with my blessings, I release ALL copyrights
Michael Erickson

Follow this link to download the icons. On my computer I am not able to see all of the images on that page but once I downloaded the powerpoint I had access to them all. He says there are more to come… What a gift, Thank you!!

Online Tools

I’m exploring some of the social online tools that are out there (I don’t even know what to call them), especially tagging related sites.

Here’s what I’m finding today… I would love any feedback you have to offer about any of these (and even what I call the category of this technilogical stuff).

I’ll share my whole flow: My site meter showed me that someone had linked to easily amazed through:

  • Shadows — A site to tag, comment and rate your favorite websites. This led me to
  • Opposable Mind — a thought provoking new blog to explore… there I discovered an
  • Article by J Wynia about
  • AttentionTrust — from J Wynia

    Well, with AttentionTrust you can keep track of the sites you visit from all of your computers. To push it a step further, and get absolute control over your clickstream and also have easy access to deep analysis, you can set up your own attention server

    At Opposable Mind I also saw that he was using

  • Swicki — A site for harnessing the collective energy of and strengthening your online community.

    A swicki is new kind of search engine that allows anyone to create deep, focused searches on topics you care about. Unlike other search engines, you and your community have total control over the results and it uses the wisdom of crowds to improve search results. This search engine, or swicki, can be published on your site. Your swicki presents search results that you’re interested in, pulls in new relevant information as it is indexed, and organizes everything for you in a neat little customizable widget you can put on your web site or blog, complete with its very own buzz cloud that constantly updates to show you what are hot search terms in your community.

I’m off to explore Swicki some more… maybe you’ll see it on this site soon!