Embracing Our Delicate and Sensitive Emotions

“Throughout our lives, we may experience emotions that disturb or distress us. Often, our first reaction is to push our feelings away. We may say, “I don’t want to think about that right now, I’ll think about it later” and we bury our emotions, deny the validity of our feelings, or distract ourselves with other concerns. But the diverse emotions you experience are neither good nor bad-they are simply a part being human. Choosing not to experience pain, anger, or other intense feelings could cause those feelings to become buried deep into your physical body. There, they may linger unresolved and unable to emerge, even as they affect the way you experience the world. Allowing yourself to experience all of your emotions rather than push the more painful ones away can help you come to terms with your feelings so you can experience them and then move on.”

Instead of pushing away our delicate and sensitive emotions, may we cradle them with love, holding them close to our heart, accepting their human desire to be alive and listening as sweet chirps of hope echo (sometimes silently) throughout our being.

Your Existence Gives Me Hope

“A clear and powerful observation emitted from one’s loving heart is magnetic, compelling, difficult to brush aside and beautiful to behold.”

“After people become fascinated with themselves by feeling both heard and seen through the eyes and ears of another, they will usually consider changing their behavior.”

“Psychotherapy… the study and healing of the soul.”

~ Joseph Zinker

Photograph from Superhero Designs
Quotes from In Search of Good Form

A Synchronicity

A beautiful sunny spring day in Seattle. The wind blows a page of my notebook open. The words arrest my attention, perfectly complementing and communicating an essence in this moment. I get excited realizing this wants to be shared at easily amazed. Walking inside to retrieve the referenced book, my heart melts as I recognize the photo which will accompany the words… the photo that Christy sent my way last week which originally appeared in the journal at SuperheroDesigns, a new site I’m in love with! I remembered Christy telling me about that site a long time ago, but somehow it fell off my radar.

Gathering my computer and thinking about this webl post, I remembered an old conversation between Andy and Christy about notebooks that took place in the comments of somebody’s blog. A google search of Andy Christy haloscan notebook got me directly to the comments I was looking for. And wouldn’t you know it, it was that comment box in which Christy had told me about superherodesigns. Life sure is fun!

Difficult Realities Inspiring Active Hope

This photograph was taken in 1993. A starving Sudanese toddler struggling to reach a feeding center with a well-fed vulture perched behind her.

Kevin Carter is the photographer who preserved this moment that we are now experiencing. He was awarded the Pulitzer prize for the photograph and three months later he committed suicide.

How does this image effect you?
What happens to your body, to your emotions, to your sense of being a human when you sit with this reality?

The world is filled with pain and suffering. We know this to be true. We each experience this in different ways.

My prayer: May we keep our eyes open, acknowledging what is and holding space for health, nourishment, well-being, love and connectedness. We each individually have the power to show up authentically, boldly offering our unique contributions to the world. The universe needs what we have to offer. May we connect with each other around love, respect and trust because that is, from my perspective, the essence that will support us as the tapestries of our illusions dissolve.

Anchoring to Essence

I’m floating in a sea of emergence
The environment around me
blossoming forth
with new life

unfurling realities of vision
seeding their way into manifest being

A throbbing fiery center of essence
pulls at my heart, inviting her
to enter deeper–
to fall in love

She is being-becoming the fire
She is following the flow of essence
Anchoring in this moment

Fire mandala by Thomas Arthur
On Fire healing card by Kara Brown
Photograph in candle light by Ashley Cooper
Inspiring post on anchoring to essence by Christy Lee-Engel

Gorgeous, Cuddly, Clinging Angels

Sweet sharing from The Obvious?

Sometimes I want time to just stand still

My beautiful five year old daughter half wakes at around 11.00 pm each night and I go up and carry her through to the bathroom. Feeling that gorgeous, cuddly, little angel cling to me as I carry her is something I know can’t last forever but I so, so wish it could….

Do you have a moment that you wish could last forever? Please do share!