A wisdom being that Kara and I met yesterday. Others refer to it as a Luna moth.
This is a weblog that I, Ashley Cooper, began writing in 2003. In 2019 the site crashed. All of the content was saved, but the formatting lost. Please forgive the appearance! You can find current content at www.AshleyPCooper.com
A wisdom being that Kara and I met yesterday. Others refer to it as a Luna moth.
What essential qualities are present in both of these photos? Is it helpful to view a cluster of man-made encroachment as a beautiful pattern? What does life feel like when we recognize divine order all around us?
Anastomotic Channeling
Provided by: Patrick Sullivan, Old Dominion University
“Facilitation is much like sailing. You’ve got to work with whatever arises. That’s my experience. Whatever arises is exactly what is supposed to arise. Whether or not it is convenient doesn’t matter. And that sort of trust is usually the mark of a masterful facilitator. Good facilitators have actually internalized a belief based on experience, that whatever happens is supposed to have happened — even if it is very problematic and unfortunate. And because of that belief, you don’t waste your energy trying to fight what is going on. Instead you try working with it. If the sailor is pissed off because the wind changes direction, it doesn’t do much good.”
~Peter Senge
There is power in recognizing our wants and wishes, focusing our awareness towards that which we long to experience in the world. Below is an activity that I did with 1st and 2nd graders. They anonymously wrote I Wish… statements on pieces of paper and placed them in a Bucket of Wishes. Recognizing that which we wish for is a first step in articulating our intentions and discovering ways of creating the life we want to live.
How can we learn from these children’s wishes?