Holy Wholes, Including the Holes!

I feel whole.

Included in that is a void, a hole… missing that which has been lost, that which is changing. Missing not in a longing way, just in a recognizing a groove that is paved and was once vibrantly filled… and now is near empty… the same rushing current no longer fills its chamber. It still pulses with the energy that filled it’s strong and delicate walls. It echoes with fragrant vibes of beauty and memory… and in this moment, it feels kind of like a ghost, a lucid dream.

Stepping back, expanding beyond (and still including) that sacred chamber, I feel the whole that is emerging now. I see with my visioning eye how that electric life force energy is diffusing into new places, spaces, chambers of embraces. The energy does not yet have form. There is not yet a new channel for it to rush along. It’s in the bardo, dangling in between.

My personal heart breathes a little shallow. My soul opens brightly.

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