Patterns in Curiosities

I noticed a pattern yesterday. I ran across an old blog post that I wrote after attending a gathering around the theme “Opening Space for Giving to Flourish” that had parts in common with some of my reflections after the evolutionary salon. I noticed that in the presence of such an inspirational group of people ‘doing good in the world’, I find myself asking the question: “Who are we?”

Reflecting on Evolutionary Salon:

Our first morning together, we wove through conversation, inquiry, exploration, and discovery in an Evolutionary Café. At the end of this process we were asked to write down a question that is burning for us. My Question: “Who are we and who could we be?” I felt the vibrant edge of possibility in the gathering of this time and space, the people present, the land containing us, the deep listening and trust receptive upon the edges of our togetherness. However, as I sunk into conversation and heard the wishes, desires, and intentions of others, I was left confused as to our collective identity. I felt like in order for us to Do, we had to deepen and become more aware of our Being, both individually and collectively. For myself and from my perspective, the following days were an active process of deepening into conscious, intentional Being in service to the whole (the whole being my Self, the group, the universe, etc.). It was a profound experience for me to feel the intentionality of the space expand. It is a divine gift to travel with others through intentional space.

Reflecting on the Giving Conference:

An attracting component that i noticed was that everyone who showed up had deep respect and admiration for the person(s) that they knew who had extended to them the invitation. the power of networks and personal connections was very evident as this eclectic group mixed with one another, sharing wisdom, resources, connections, and much more. i continue to be moved by the possibilities and the increased efficiency of action that is made possible when the right people are connected with one another.

during one circle, a participant asked, “who are we?” if you’re curious about the priests, educators, facilitators, writers, techies, philanthropists, inventors, entrepreneurs, activists, financial advisors or other types that showed up, peruse the list of ParticipantDirectory“>participants.

as i settle back into being home, it is this question that continues to echo inside my head: “WHO ARE WE?” i think about all of the people that i am connected to. i think about all of you who have mentioned the kavanah post, who are we that choose to be intentional, aware of our actions, directing our hearts to Spirit, living in truth, sharing our gifts and passions with ourselves, our neighbors, our communities? a shining network of truth livers. WHO ARE WE? and how do we continue to connect and unite with one another so that the ripples of our actions spread wider and deeper into the hearts of beings all across this planet?

If any of these questions spark ideas within you, please share!



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