like really really really old…

You’re in for a treat… my friend, Caitlin, sent me “Another funny Finn moment” that I share with you. Please don’t hold back from any roarous laughter that may rise up in your belly as it did in mine while I read. Thank you Caitlin and Finn… for being so preciously who you are and sharing that light with us!

The other night he approches me very seriously while I am cooking supper. “Mom…. when you are old….” yes.. “like really really really old…… and you are about to die….” Yes Finn? (me expecting touching sad words from him)… “will you tell me where your wallet is? Cause I am going to need your money.”

I just about fell over. It was really hard not to laugh but he was so serious. Then he said “you know, I will really be an adult when you die.” Hmmmm

He has the whole concept on the mind a lot since my dad died. It is so interesting how it connects in his thoughts. I know we were talking that day at the store about why I have more money than he does, and why I don’t just buy him all the toys he asks for when he can see so much money in my wallet. I was explaining about rent, and food and clothes and budgeting.

A few days later we are driving up the hill from the ferry, and I am explaining to Aine and Finn about how the gears of the car work. They played a racing video game on the ferry with real gears and their theory that the higher the gear the faster you go was not consistently working for them. So I was explaining it, and letting them get the feel for it as we drove the highway.

A few minutes later Finn says “Mom….when you get old… really really really old… (you know what is coming) “and you are about to die”.. yes Finn (long pause)…. can you get a piece of paper and write down all that gear stuff cause I am going to need to drive the car when you’re dead (long pause) oh yeah and can you also teach me to read so I can read it?

It is really lovely this little inventory he is collecting of things he is going to need when I am gone. We’ll see what else comes up.

When giving me permission to share this story, Caitlin also said:

I think it is great when we can all share the stories our little folks bring into life. I think it is part of the great design of life the energy they bring, and a sad thing that as a culture we have put many walls up that stop us from being fed by it.

Thank you to each of you who dream forward the tradition of keeping these stories active and alive and present as guiding forces in the evolution of humanity. May there continue to be sanctuaries where such stories are invited to thrive, nourish, and teach.

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