bridges and channels

whew… i’m doing all i can to keep up with the speed of life unfolding around me. yesterday i wrote to brandy :

holy shit, i’m on Fire. Growing Whole… learning big lessons on

purity and truth and goodbye and grief and dreaming and … wow, wow, wow. pop, pop, pop. electric fireworks.

i am currently experiencing deep change in my life and am totally invigorated by the challenge of keeping up with the flow. i am loving the opportunity to feel all kinds of emotions, from the painful to the pretty, in such a condensed period of time. i feel like i’m on some kind of sacred emotional roller coaster and my only instructions for survival and pure in-joy-meant is to Trust and stay open. another analogy i’ve been using lately is that my world has been turned inside out… which seems appropriate as i recently reminded myself that i wear my heart as my skin.

one great gift that i am currently experiencing from this new life unraveling is the deep heart connections i am feeling with so many of my friends and family. i feel so clearly connected by the bridges or channels that connect my heart to theirs. i am being flooded as the wisdom of my loved ones pours straight into my own heart. from the shamanic way of the heart book:

You only have to establish a bridge of light between your heart and the center of others

my current focus and efforts are to keep those channels of love, the bridges of light, Open and Flowing and to keep receiving the amazing guidance that streams from the wisdom of my friends. Thank YOU to each and every one of you. wether that wisdom gets shared with words or not, if the channel is open and we are listening, then the wisdom is indeed being shared. wether we know each other in a personal way or we simply connect in some other way, if love is genuinely flowing, ours is a love affair, don’t you think? dear mary dropped this jewel of wisdom in my heart this morning

When your fears come up, they’re in the way of your love affair.

This mantra has become a new tool for me to use. When i notice my fears present, i will redirect my attention in efforts to find the love affair that is being interrupted. This will help me focus on the love and move beyond the fear while including the lesson that is wrapped in the fear’s presence.

yesterday i met a new “random” friend. as we were talking about the currents we are feeling in the universe right now, she sent me an email about What’s Up on Planet Earth. some of the author’s language is not the same as i would choose (for example, i would define her use of the word higher as having an integrated and broad perspective, or a higher realm being a more inclusive realm). regardless of the language, i was delighted to read someone else’s words of what i am experiencing happening on this blessed planet of ours.

warm love to each of you,


What, then, will 12/12/2004 bring? It will “cement” in this New energy and make it a reality that will BE HERE in this world. It will bring it “down to earth”, so to speak and integrate it fully. As everything was shaken up and pushed out of its “groove”…, things are now coming back together and “joining” in spaces of perfect alignment at the higher levels….

What is reality like in this higher realm? We seem to want to “be”, have fun, delight in everything, and play, play, play…Source energy runs free and clear with virtually no resistance to anything as all is in acceptance and just “is”.

We have been rewiring for this way of being for some time. This is one reason why we don’t want to do anything anymore. We are no longer wired for that kind of reality where we have to do it all ourselves. Source does it now. We need only put out our intent and stay in the higher vibrations with no resistance in the form of doubt, fear and assuming things will be as they have always been according to the Old World reality. That world no longer exists as we just made it up, kept it alive by buying into it and now we just have to believe it no longer needs to be. Heaven is here for the taking….

We can create anything here, so then, many will still go on creating realities with the limitations they believe are there. Only they aren’t.

Things then, will still unfold according to what the masses believe is possible. The unpleasantness will still be a real reality to many until they “choose” to reach for something else. As the road to the higher realms is in letting go, “jumping”, being in the NOW, and trusting, there are also some who are controlling more than ever as they are still feeling the fear of all the Old falling away and do not yet realize how beautiful it can be by getting out of the way.

With the nearing of 12:12, some are beginning to feel that feeling of things falling into place, of being in alignment, of feeling that everything finally “fits”. The round pegs are now entering the round holes. In these higher realms then, we will also re-unite with our “twins”. Oh, is it glorious!

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