it is said,
that the soul of man
is like a
candle to god.
and so we light our
inner flames
letting them shine bright with
the light of god.
and the peace within us
shining with the light of
the source of all life.
and the light of the candles
illuminates the home
filling it with peace within-
within thy family and within thy soul.
oh-so thankful,
we invite-
we breathe in this light of peace
deep into our souls.
and as we exhale,
the light travels out.
it recognizes, harmonizes, and unifies
with scattered sparks of holiness
all around the world.
and in this sacred moment,
our hearts are united,
with the light
of god.
thanks for this prayer, ashley. it doesn’t always need much light to lighten up the dark. resting the eyes on one small candle flame can be enough to embrace the thunder clouds floating through the mind. one small candle can heal this moment and bless you with its simple grace. love Kojan | 10.25.04 – 6:32 am | #
lightening up the dark
resting the eyes embracing the thunder clouds
one small candle- healing this moment blessing you with simple grace. love.
thank you for this prayer, jan.
love, ashley | Homepage | 10.25.04 – 1:06 pm | #

Hi Ashley,
As always your reflections stir if not disturb – there must be a response!
In that space of my own reflection in the moment I’m wondering about the struggle to keep balance between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. While lawyers seem to be dominating decision making on our behalf can we expect peace? Isn’t it their nature to be combatitive?
I am eagerly looking forward to a world where our thoughts and actions are more guided by poets and visionairies like yourself.
Thank you for the Light and the Fire!
Mike Mike Cumberbatch | 10.31.04 – 10:00 am | #