
mosh at masada photographed by Russell Moskowitz.

my mind was once again wondering where to start… Day 6, my most memorable moment, the spirit that russ’s picture of mosh captures and embodies for me? and then i went to look for a link to attach to russ’s name, a way to give further credit to the photographer. if you haven’t clicked on the link you should… reading russ’s story, feeling the tears swell in my eyes, i smiled…i am so thankful for the gift of such unique, special, and amazing individuals with whom i’ve shared these moments.

my favorite excursion was the sunrise hike up har yishai , mt. jesse. (this post becomes more and more syncronistic by the moment). During the hike Michael invited us to enjoy a silent hike, reflecting upon that which we yearn for in our lives, taking time to notice and experience the sun’s grand entrance into our day.

“so hiking up to mt. jesse i put my intention into having a spiritual community. it is for a community in which spiritually i may grow and develop with others that i crave–yearn for. beyond setting this intention, it received no further thought. i was in israel…hiking in the desert. walking a top this holy land — blessed by community and surrounded by divinity. for me, i enjoyed the silence. i noticed the change in my breathing. i yearned at times to stop and rest for a moment, while marveling at that space just on the edge of invigorating endurance and fatigue. i felt the air flow so cleanly in through my nose. i was enchanted by the different sounds our feet made while crunching, knocking, echoing with the rock beneath. and when we stopped. i felt like i was watching a movie! this fantastic screen was spread before me. i felt welcomed. and then scattered amongst the rocks were all of these amazing friends–sharing their insights and contemplations. i felt blessed. community. as people shared their yearnings, i inwardly smiled as i felt the presence of my own.”

going back to russ’s words, he talks of the many miracles that happen every day. i love being amongst people that take time to notice, appreciate, and give thanks for those small and large miracles. sharing in that joy of being amazed.

while on that hike, inside i felt like that image up above of mosh in the desert.

“the desert in israel. breathing with god. to me, i am closest to god when i enter the sacred space of the land. the barren body of the mother – a physical source through which i may witness the manifestations of life. no confusion of the mind. no influence of intellect, industry. her purity speaks for itself. time and space communicate the tangibility of life lived. the sphere of the earth and the many flavors that decorate its surface — the infinite pulse that originates at the source and vibrates through the land, through the atmosphere, through you and me into eternity. with the undeniable physical presence, it is easiest for me to commune with, marvel at, relate to, wonder about, understand, feel embraced by divinity. i feel like i am breathing with god — and through the landscape i get to watch god’s breath…”

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