May They STOP and Find Healing

Today is hard. Gentleness and love to all the women and all the souls who are also feeling that. I’m at the laundromat and there is a man that has a t-shirt on that says “Only YES means YES”. It’s striking to me how much it affects my nervous system to see a man walking […]

Freedom School with Desiree Adaway

I see a lot of people who are feeling anxious about the state of things, want to do something, and aren’t sure what to do. To really be involved in making change, we have to do our homework and understand the complexity of the situations we find ourselves in. If you are committed to ending […]

Jesus is Coming – Will you Recognize Him?

Driving through rural Georgia I passed a hand written sign in someone’s yard that said, “Jesus is coming.” I wanted to ask the people — How will you know when Jesus arrives? How will you recognize Jesus? What-if Jesus is here and because Jesus doesn’t fit your description you can’t recognize Jesus? This post about […]

January 31, 2017

On one hand, we are experiencing a corporate take over. A proposed Cabinet of 15 people has $4.5 billion dollars of financial worth. As Trump said, “I want people that made a fortune!” Perhaps to him, it is a game of hiring and firing people to establish a new order of business where he is […]

May I Be a Worthy Servant

This past year I have written more online. I have used social media to ask the questions my heart ponders or frets over, share the news that crosses my path, and to articulate the ways I make meaning of the world around me. The responses from people reading my words have helped me see more […]

What Are We Paying Attention To?

“Bomb threats were called in to at least 16 Jewish community centers and other institutions in seven states on Monday.” – News Source Which realities are people choosing to pay attention to? Which ones do we ignore or look away from? Which will motivate us to make new choices in the name of humanity and […]