Reflections on White Supremacy on the Rise

So many feelings around this… Nazi’s and White Supremacists are willing to be violent and kill people. Period. They also feel emboldened right now. This feels like an instance where police acted fast and used their resources to stop actual violent perpetrators (With the partnership of a community member that knew to remember the license […]

Rosh Hashanah and Being Alert to the Raw Truths

Yesterday was Rosh Hashanah. Thanks to Phyllis Utley I was able to attend services. The Rabbi spoke of the symbolism of blowing the shofar (a ram’s horn). Its sound is raw and piercing. It sounds pained, like crying. It is also a triumphant sound of joy and celebration. She told us that it’s meant to remind us […]

Grief, Trauma, Exhaustion

Awake in the darkness of the night… I’m feeling… my heart traveling the terrain of trauma and love erupting fiercely on this globe, erupting fiercely in the hearts of so many dear souls. “In Hebrew, “pay attention” is literally translated as, “place your heart”. Placing our hearts requires effort. It requires us to focus beyond […]

What Are We Paying Attention To?

“Bomb threats were called in to at least 16 Jewish community centers and other institutions in seven states on Monday.” – News Source Which realities are people choosing to pay attention to? Which ones do we ignore or look away from? Which will motivate us to make new choices in the name of humanity and […]

A Bright Welcome to This New Year

“Release painful patterns through embrace and not through struggle. We open our hearts to ourselves, each other and to the Universal Presence in which we are sustained. On the brink of this new year, we awaken to renewed choice. We seek the thoughts, images, feelings and actions that will more clearly reflect the Loving and […]