spiral galaxy NGC4622 osho zen tarot my amazing friend, becky (rebecca), sent me this link. images in my life often flash in patterns or things that “go together.” when i was watching the video at that link, i was immediately struck with the similarity between these two images.


my friend, moriah, sent me this amazing quote by Marianne Williamson. it was quoted by Nelson Mandela during an inauguration speech. “…Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who […]

soul shining

anne stadler posted this inspiring quote to the OSLIST. “We have been in training for a dark time such as this… We have a history of being gutted, and yet remember this especially–we have also, of necessity, perfected the knack of resurrection. Over and over again we have been the living proof that that which […]