Indigenous Peoples – Keepers of the Library of How to Be Here on This Mother Earth

A very powerful account of the significance of what has already happened in this Indigenous peoples led movement, history that has been made. So much has been accomplished. So much to learn from this moment… and to apply to the other areas where resistance and courage in the name of peace and Life is needed. […]

We Are All Needed in Community

Please keep praying for these dear souls… in North Dakota and in your hometown. Severe weather. Extremely complex conditions. As you pray, recognize that we who are in warm, safe-ish homes with our basic needs taken care of… our prayers are strength and grounding for others who know we are connected to them when they […]

The Truth About Thanksgiving

This week many Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. The truth is that this country was colonized by European men who killed the native people living here, raping the land and the women, murdering all in their path, including children. The European (white) men were greedy for resources and land and willing to cause any harm to get […]

Facing Race 2016

Facing Race Conference 2016 Largest multi-racial, multi-issue, intergenerational national gathering dedicated to racial justice 2300 people in Atlanta, GA My notes from the conference “A cohesive multiracial movement is our best hope.” Rinku Sen, ED of Race Froward and Publisher of Colorlines “We gotta show folks what it looks like when we love and protect each other. […]

From My Perspective…

From my perspective… The majority of us live in bubbles. We mostly connect with people who are like us. Our contact with folks who are different primarily comes through media — television, movies, books, social media — or through interactions that revolve around commerce — at a store, restaurant, service station. There are a few […]

Writing What’s On My Heart… & Why

I am feeling called to write more. I don’t yet know the path and pattern that will help me carry though with this… but I have faith I will find a way that feels in alignment with all else calling to me. Your encouragement, suggestions of things you’d like to read from me, and gentle […]

We Are All In This Together

This image flashed across my sea of Facebook, labeled as OUR SOCIETY. One of those images that says so much and continues to speak to me long after it has left my field of vision.   Other possible captions that I see in my society and feel in myself: “That’s horrible. I don’t know what […]