
mosh at masada photographed by Russell Moskowitz. my mind was once again wondering where to start… Day 6, my most memorable moment, the spirit that russ’s picture of mosh captures and embodies for me? and then i went to look for a link to attach to russ’s name, a way to give further credit to […]

to find words

painting by david friedman hello from israel… a moment to write has passed my way… a desire to share of the amazement in my life is strong… and yet i am intimidated by this blank screen. where to begin? what to share?questions anyone?! my experience here has moved me in so many ways. the land, […]

there’s a discussion going on at the integral naked website, and below is a piece of what i wrote. i feel like sharing it over here too. it is intriguing to me to feel all of the concern and worry that people express about my travels to israel. i am so grateful for and comforted […]


oh-my, i’ve found a gem! join with me in learning about YES! Youth for Environmental Sanity … quite an inspiring group. here’s a bit of what they have to say… “Youth stand at a threshold point in life, as they make choices that will send out vast ripples. Some young people believe growing up means […]


the birds are chirping outside my window as the sun inches its way into my life! i just sent an email descriptive of today to my dear friend and mentor, chris weaver. thanks chris, for the inspiration you share in so many ways. here’s to this day!! academic responsibilities are trickling down my back, their […]

Giving Thanks

the clouds are packed tight in the sky…inviting a slow morning… for the day to gently unfold. Last night i heard someone speak about Victor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning.The point being made was that everyone has suffering in their life. The experience is universal to us all. The power comes from what one […]