Always display as much love as you can.
What does it mean to always display as much love as you can?
How do you know when you’re displaying love, espcially in mundane aspects of your day?
Is it really possible to display love at all times. . . for every moment to be a display of love?
What does love look like?
What does love feel like?
How do you recognize love in a room?
How do you recognize love in a person?
How do you recognize love in the wind?
How do you recognize love pouring through your heart. . .and then how do we always display that, as much as we can, always?
What is the path to Being Love. . . Displaying love always in all ways.
These questions remind me of a story Maria shared that touched me so deeply. After reading about her and her father, I began to really look at people in my life, myself included, wondering about our own unique ways of loving. Sometimes expressions of love are explicit and clear (for instance, when I tell you, “I love you”!!). We also each display love in more daily, routine, mundane, obscure, implicit (and so the list continues) ways.
Meditating on the question, How do I express love? I was pleased and surprised to find that one major expression of my love to others comes through my honesty. How do you express love?
There are 10 different questions about love in this post. If you feel called, please do share an answer to one of them with us. I am always honored to deepen my own experience of loving through sharing with others.