thank you

thank you
thank you
thank you
to each and every one of you that reads these easily amazed journeys… to each and every one of you that reaches out and touches my heart (and the hearts of others) in the most sincere and honest ways… to each and every one of you that shares your love… do you know the power that your love has on this earth?

i’m home, and it feels great to be here. phisically i’m back in texas, and in a larger sense, i feel so at home inside myself, in my surroundings, and in my relationships… on august 27th, i celebrated my golden birthday (turning the age of the day one is born, i.e. 27). i’ve really embraced the golden aspect of this birthday and i feel incredibly blessed for all of the loved ones that have shared with me in this celebration of my birth. thank you to my friends and family who gathered in atlanta (a special thanks to the ones who joined in the pie throwing and water balloon festivities), to the denton folks who surprised me when i returned to town, to all of the loved ones that called, emailed, wrote, and commented to honor our connection, and to all of the people that forgot… i hope that you all know that your love means the world to me.

Albert Einstein says: “A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as i have received and am still receiving.” This is the reciprocal sharing of the Golden Rule and of the golden section. ~from the power of limits

it’s this reciprocal sharing, the genuine giving and receiving that nourishes my soul so deeply and that inspires this flow of gratitude that rushes through me. i echo martine castonguay’s words from an integral naked post

You are so, so, so so necessary to my life.
To have you in my life is necessary to evolve.
You are my blood spiritually speaking. The energy flowing in my body.

i like you (click on the red plug)… and am soooooo thankful for your presence (yes, i’m talking to YOU!) .

with love,


dear Ashley, wow wow wow! happy special birthday! I join the vast chorus of gladness for you being born, and for being so lucky to wind the thread of my life round with you and yours. to feel entirely at home, all the way inside, your own life is infinitely precious and radiant. you create such a palpable electricity, a delicious fragrance, a delight whirring in space, by being your own celebratory presence, that you awaken and amaze and inspire us all. wheee!

lots of love to/from you

Gravatarpalpable electricity
delicious fragrance
delight whirring in space

in dense fog
deep in the woods
a spring fills a basin
built of stone by ancient
of light
(and overflows)

there’s no finding this place
my feet require this
palpable delicious whirring
to spin my heart true north

everyone is a gift
& maybe ashley you’re
the Netmender’s daughter
she sits in the warmth
of the longhouse, rain
on the shingles, her knees
& hands draped
in pulsing radiant light

& you go dancing & spinning
out the door on all her errands
her warrior
sunlight splashing obediently
around you like a white dog
at your heels
like music
from nowhere

so don’t be surprised
at how you are received
the touch of the hands
of the one who sent you
is unmistakable

Gravatarchristy and chris,

you know you’ve both left me speachless… like i said, i feel incredibly blessed. thank you.

all my love,

Gravatarhappy birthday…not much to say in the wake of the weaver man. consider my treasure hunt your present.

Gravatarwell, if corrigan takes a pass on making words, i certainly am not going to dare! big warm hug from chicago, ashley. happy year! m

Gravatarthanks chris and michael for more warm wishes… and i always thrive from the hugs the treasure hunt is still enticing me with curiosity and wonder… hunting season hasn’t begun yet!!

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