“The top of his head was open up to the sky & when he walked down the street he’d end up with strange things in there like the number of dogs in China, or the time it takes to cook a pig. It’s not really useful, he said, but I’d miss this stuff if it ever closed up.”
~ Brian Andreas
If you don’t know about story people… wander to the right and check the site out. Or stroll down to a neighborhood gallery, i’ve seen these fun friends on walls all over this land! Today I’m really drawn to the image inside my own head of a man wandering around with his head resting open and all kinds of information jumping in.
It’s kind of like the opposite of the magic dish that Dumbledore has in one of Harry Potter’s books. Oh, I dream about this amazing tool that stores memories and thoughts. An aid for emptying out some of the many strange things that land in my own head. Anything that one wishes to let go of, to not hold onto at the moment, can be taken out and placed in the dish. It’s not gone forever. It is easily accessible. But the space is cleared inside… more room is made for new, different memories, thoughts, and such.
wouldn’t that be great! a magic bowl seems much easier than something like meditating!!!