my personal practice of living in truth includes plenty of dialogue with myself. i like to check in and see what’s happening on the inside. i love to explore my inner terrain, discovering and connecting with my inner world…forming an intimate bond with my own truth. i believe that the relationship i have with myself enables me to engage more fully with the rest of the world. with greater ease, i am able to live from a place of authenticity and genuineness, maintaining presence. except, of course, for the times when i slip out of ‘it’, i’m still learning! asking questions is a great way of tuning in. here are a few questions i’ve gathered from some friends.
thomas shared these:
- how do we find that balance between extending into the world and drawing into our sense of self?
- what are the priorities and missions that focus our intent and inspire our action?
- what are the places that snag our flow and distract us from our deepest purpose?
- how do we say no to something of intrinsic worth if it’s not aligned with our deepest flow?
and christy passed on a this one:
- how do we create an outburst of alive, radiant people throughout the world?
“opening into the beauty of our truths is an ocean of light in the depths of my soul.” ~thomas arthur