as many of you may know, i enjoy following the mayan calendar and a 13 moon calendar as a way to keep up with a different rhythm than the pace that is set by the gregorian calendar. for me, the mayan calendar has been a tool that allows me to play with the concept of time. it’s helped me notice when and where my own dependence on and my culture’s dependence on time gets in the way of the natural flow of life. i am also intrigued into belief at how my own states of being will correspond with the mayan tones and tribes that make up the 260 day cycle. i enjoy focusing my attention according to the different connotation that is placed to each month. today, sunday, 4-4-04, is the first day of the moon of manifestation. yesterday was the last day of the moon of intention. on the mayan tzolkin there are days that are called galactic-activation-portals. starting today, we move into a window of 10 of these days in a row. if you look at this picture, these days are the black ones and we are in the second long column right now. here are some words about these next 10 days from a newsletter that puts out:


Beginning on tone 3 of this wavespell, White Electric Worldbridger (Kin 146;

Planetary 1; April 4) they span through tone 12, Blue Crystal Eagle (Kin

155; Planetary 10; April 13.)

What is a galactic activation portal? Within the 260 energies of the

Tzolkin, 52 of them are called portals for they form the “Loom” on which the

entire Tzolkin matrix is woven upon.

As far as “what this means,” what you can be sure of is heightened

energies; access to amplified awareness and sensory experience; greater

opportunity for information exchange and multi-dimensional insights.

As a Portal kin myself, (due to my galactic signature being Red

Self-Existing Skywalker) I offer the following: The 52 specific energies which constitute the Portal kin can create openings through which we are transported into the depths of the ocean of consciousness. The energies of Portal kin can offer lucid reflections and revelations, accelerated clarity and understanding, as well as good ole’ INTENSITY. Their primary role is to convey and circulate potent and relevant information/energy/light providing unique ACCESS to

realms of being and knowing, customized to the ever-changing now moment!

Portal kin invite us to contemplate and experience the opportunities and

subtleties of the symphony of life!

Let us also note the standard college dictionary definition of PORTAL:

“An entrance, door, or gate, especially one that is grand and imposing.”

May we invite the power of these portals to activate dormant potential and

evolutionary transformation!

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